How Do You Spell Discipline?

June 9, 2010 at 1:19 am 3 comments

I’m enjoying one of my favorite summer TV events this week: The National Spelling Bee! I am a total word-nerd, and these kids are amazing! It’s such a fun age to watch in action (10-14), and their knowledge is astounding. I’ve seen them spell out a four-syllable word without even asking for the definition (you can tell they studied that one), or break down a word you can tell they didn’t know by its language roots and come up with the correct spelling. Some of these kids are fluent in another language, are also whizzes in music or math, and one didn’t even learn English until she was in kindergarten!

But these kids have to be devoted to spelling. Some people might think spending a couple hours a day learning Greek and Latin roots and reading the dictionary is a complete waste of time for a kid who could be playing outside or reading novels. But I think these Bee kids are destined for greatness, because they have learned how to pursue a goal.

One of the finalists, a 13-year-old boy from North Dakota, said in an interview that the reason he likes to spell is because it teaches him discipline, that if you work hard at something, you can get what you want. I love that. I love that an adolescent can apply himself or herself to a task that is often tedious and whose rewards are few because they have a desire to achieve something. We virtually virtuous women spend a great portion of our time doing things just as inane as learning Greek roots (but require significantly less brainpower): putting Velcro fruit back together, slathering bread with peanut butter, playing Memory, braiding hair etc., etc., etc. But like these Spelling Bee kids, we have to keep our eyes on the prize: raising good kids! I love Colossians 3:22-24, which tells us that when we’re doing work for earthly masters (even tiny ones!), we should do our work with “sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.” Whatever we’re doing, we’re to do it heartily! The Greek word that is translated here as heartily is psyche, which means “breath of life” or soul. How do you slather peanut butter using all your breath of life and your soul? There’s as many different ways to do that as there are people! You could sing a song of praise while you do it, if you have the energy; you can pray silently if you don’t; if you’re a writer, you can consider ways to begin the article you’re working on, or book ideas, or blog ideas. You can shout out rhyming words with your preschooler or make funny sounds for your baby. All while making the best PB&J (or PB&Honey, as my daughter prefers) you can!

So like those spelling bee kids, apply yourself to every task, doing it with your soul, for the Lord, not for men. Your discipline will pay off, in this life and the next.

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Fearing Your Child Finding Your Passion

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Paula  |  June 9, 2010 at 2:30 am

    How true, even though I don’t have kids I find your messages applicable. I love reading your blog and look forward to seeing you when Kyle and I move to OK.

  • 2. kdmauck  |  June 9, 2010 at 4:32 am

    Thanks Paula, I’m so glad you can benefit from the blog! It’s a good way to stretch my brain muscles during my stay-at-home-mommy days! It will be so neat to see you again–haven’t seen you since my wedding, I don’t think!

  • 3. Finding Your Passion « Virtuous Woman…Virtuously  |  June 10, 2010 at 2:56 am

    […] 10, 2010 If you couldn’t tell from my previous post, I love words. I’m a writer, so this passion for words comes with the territory. Take that […]


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